Publisher's Synopsis
In the world of leadership, there is enough evidence to suggest that those who have succeeded have mastered the key skills that have long been associated with better performance and productivity. Increased skill is often associated with educational PROGRESSION. Increased skills are considered as the magic bullet for the progression and promotion of workers everywhere. However, skilled workers can often be undermined by bad strategy, leadership, and human resource designs. It is important to realize though that; not having the requisite skill to reach success in your field is a major deficit. Without greater skill acquisition in your field, there is no progress in your career, so it is important that you identify the skills that you will need to develop so that you can win today and in the future. Skills come in different forms; general skills include communication, project management. Problem solving and teamwork. These are important but not essential. When the rubber hits the road, personal skills rule the game. Personal skills include emotional intelligence, self-discipline/control, resilience, consistency, and self-awareness.My goal here is to help you to identify the five major skills that you need to develop in the next two years to grow into the leader you hope to become. And "On Becoming a Leader" is the culmination of research, personal experiences, and wisdom that will guide you on your journey towards becoming a great leader. Remember, no matter what skill you want to develop, with proper timing, enough training, and good intention, you can become more proficient at it. The secret here is to be focused on your goals, keep a growth mindset, build your toolset and improve your skill set. In addition, practice with passion and perseverance. Becoming a great leader will naturally demand that you constantly work on the necessary skills but in addition you must start practicing what Brendon Burchard refers to as "progressive mastery", in his book, "Higher Performance Habits." He identifies the following as the steps towards progressive mastery;Identify the skill that you want to develop, set specific goals, attach high level of emotions to your results, identify the critical factors for the achievement of the goals, develop visualization, schedule challenging practices, measure your progress, practice your skills, continue improving on these skills, and finally, teach others what you are learning. Start your progressive mastery now!