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Old Testament Introduction

Old Testament Introduction

2nd Edition

Hardback (15 Feb 2000)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the complexities of the Old Testament; it also provides the basic knowledge required for students of O.T. theology. This widely used textbook appears here in its second English edition and is based on the fifth German edition (1995). This new edition has been expanded especially in regard to Pentateuch research and the anthropology of the O.T.

Book information

ISBN: 9783110157758
Publisher: De Gruyter
Imprint: De Gruyter
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd Edition
DEWEY: 221.61
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 452
Weight: 841g
Height: 230mm
Width: 155mm
Spine width: 31mm