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Old Scofield Study Bible-KJV-Standard

Old Scofield Study Bible-KJV-Standard

Supersaver ed.

Leather / Fine Binding (26 Feb 1998)

  • $59.11
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Publisher's Synopsis

Here's a full-featured Genuine Leather study Bible at an amazing price. Oxford is proud to offer this edition, which contains reflections on the Word of God that have guided believers for nearly nine decades. This treasured volume has been digitally reset to provide a more readable typeface without altering its pagination. It also features a protective two-piece box which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the publication.

* Thumb-indexed.
* Authorized King James Version text.
* Concordance.
* Clear, readeable typeface.
* Subject chain references.
* Larger trim size (6-1/2 x 9")
* Same-page text helps.
* Complete Scofield(R) references.
* Subheadings.
* Revised marginal renderings.
* Comprehensive index.
* Introduction to each book of the Bible.
* Subject index.
* English equivalents for Hebrew dates.
* 16 pages of full color Oxford Bible Maps, money, weights and measures, with index.
* Chronologies.

Book information

ISBN: 9780195274370
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Imprint: Oxford University Press, USA
Pub date:
Edition: Supersaver ed.
DEWEY: 220.52
Language: English
Number of pages: 1616
Weight: 1225g
Height: 254mm
Width: 183mm
Spine width: 38mm