Publisher's Synopsis
This story follows Ocho Junior, a young octopus named after his grandfather (Ocho means eight in Spanish), who once befriended Jacques Cousteau. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of human ocean exploration with the Aqualung, Ocho Junior decides to invent his own device, a "Terra-lung," or "Terra-lang(uage) like "Aqualung" to explore the human world on land.
** We are all children of the ocean. In each of us, in our blood, lives a part of that primordial sea from which life emerged. Our brain, like the brain of an octopus, is very intelligent and helps us learn about the world. And our body is an amazing mechanism that allows us to swim, run, and dream. We are part of nature, and that's incredible! The human body is like a scuba tank or Terra-lung (?) Maybe that's how it is. Who knows (?)