Publisher's Synopsis
Operation: Office Sleuth The book companies don't want you to read! Working in an office can be confusing. You may find yourself continually asking: What exactly is my role, my job, my actual responsibilities?How can I become an office superstar without getting sucked into the corporate drama (AKA office politics)? How can I get that promotion without having to do EVERYBODY else's work? (If a promotion is your goal. Sometimes just having a fantastic work-life balance is all you need for ultimate happiness.) What exactly are you paying me to do? No, I mean exactly Why is my manager making so much more money than me, and yet... they don't seem to know (or do) half as much as I do? Goals? I have them, so how do I achieve them? How can I maximize my salary increases, so the company will feel uncomfortable offering an average raise? How do I know when I should look for other opportunities? Sometimes you got to know when to fold 'em. After working for years in various offices, I set out to write to book that I wish I read earlier in my career. You'll learn: How to pick your battles in the office. How to remain completely organized for maximum efficiency. What is the best way to manage your day-to-day responsibilities, to be ridiculously productive, while flying under the radar of your micro-managing boss?Is your boss a micro-manager? Should you be worried? How to take a vacation when your boss is a micro-manager? The absolute best way to write-up a self-evaluation. How to ace the annual review to achieve the maximum salary increase and bonus.How to work with absolute freedom to get your work done in peace? You'll not only learn what to do, but what NOT to do. What to watch out for in the office. Give Zero F*cks and Prosper !