Publisher's Synopsis
Now With Page Numbers is a selection of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and excerpts from published works written by members of The Writers Group- an eclectic association of poets, scholars, artists, teachers, screenwriters, students, actors, comedians, singers, and general geeks that have been meeting in Akron, Ohio since 2014 through the social media platform - Submissions include selections by April Sharp, Amanda Leonard, Ben DiCola, Bob Gray, Brett A. Tipton, Carol Grzeschik, Carol P. Vaccariello, Dmin., Christine A. Hazen, David "RedButton" Williams, Don Abbott- (aka The Snarky Gardener), Don Ake, Donna M Patterson, Jacqueline Baxter, Joseph Pryweller, Kora Sadler, Laurie Peel, Lewis Jenkins, Matthew Davenport, Pat Hunsicker, Patty Lovell, Rui Xu, and Russell Henley. For more information on The Writers Group, visit