Publisher's Synopsis
Strappy's Back! And he's more cunning, debauched, cowardly and lucky than ever.
Scotland 1859 - After unwittingly achieving fame, prestige, wealth and the love of the nation's ladies, Captain Jack Strapper is determined to maintain his new exalted station at all costs, just so long as it's safe.
After his Ireland 'heroics, ' Strappy's determined not to experience the likes of the same again. Yet with zombies slowly taking over large parts of the country, the calls for the nation's hero to take a lead become ever louder.
Strappy endeavours to pull every trick in the book, and a few that aren't, to escape and shirk his duty without making it appear so.
But thanks to a past violation of an old friendship, not to mention his inability at keeping it in his breeches, our hero soon finds himself thrust into that one place he tried so hard to avoid - Back in a cavalry regiment lead by a rogue colonel gone mad in the heart of a zombie infested war zone. And worse still - He's surrounded by whisky drinking, foul smelling, incomprehensible and unsympathetic Scotsmen in kilts - And they're the ones supposedly on his side.
With this new nightmare, Strappy's more than willing to sink to ever new depths to ensure his own personal wealth, sexual gratification and above all, his safety.
Not Dead Yet is the first Zombie Apocalypse series by zombie author K. Bartholomew.
Not Dead Yet contains zombie gore and mild sex scenes. Reader discretion is advised.