Publisher's Synopsis
After calling people children of the devil, Jesus prayed for them from His cross: Father, forgive them; they don't know what they do. He knew they were pawns of evil unseen rulers. Apostle Paul wrote we don't wrestle with flesh and blood. The devil's fallen angels are who we wrestle.
Like it or not, Christians are saved for wrestling against destructive ruling spirits. We must identify them and awaken to the spiritual roots of our ethnic identity. We can cut the cord of iniquity baked into our unique heritage.
Where God is, is the most real world. People whom He claims form a nation filled with His joyful presence and love. God's Word reveals He wants us in a partnership with Him. Jesus taught Christians are born as spirits. Everyone's natural birth produced a unique soul and body. You weren't there before. Likewise, your faith-birth produced a unique individual. When you believed in Jesus Christ, you were born as a living human spirit that didn't exist previously. He is spirit, and we have a spirit's relationship directly with Him.
In contrast, darkness snares Earth's nations into destruction, using a few bottlenecks and chokepoints to rule many people. These spirits compete to damn every soul; by dominating Earth's nations, they strive for greatest efficiency. The fallen Lucifer uses his archangelic power only to advance himself.
The Bible is the written revelation of God and the spirit world. Nations, past and present, are the battle line of the two invisible kingdoms. The devil wants to control the most people with the fewest partners, and nations are his primary method ever since Babel's division. Scripture's nation differs from ours. To us, it means a politically bound geographic area under a distinct government. This definition arose only in the last few centuries. For most of history, nation meant people-groups. Language and culture identified them, rather than government or boundaries. Our word ethnic denotes these people-groups. It comes from the Bible's Greek word for nations, ἔθνος, transliterated ethnos.
We love God, who revealed these things for a reason: we are His military in that invisible contest. We must know the enemy He has appointed us to defeat. Jesus describes gates which protect hell's possessions. On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)
The devil told Jesus that nations are his to dominate and distribute. But with our divine assignment to shrink Lucifer's territorial domination, we need increased function for the unseen in our time. Nobody knows the nations as the devil does, but our assignment requires us to. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. (Matthew 28:19)
One purpose of the Unseen Series of books, blogs, and podcast is a community of believers at ease with unseen experiences. Our understanding of reality must always improve, and the Bible-God's inspired and trustworthy Word-is how. These pages cite many well-known Scriptures, for you to re-read. Don't skip the well-known ones as if you already understand them. I too read them hundreds of times before I saw the unseen through them. God's Word reveals, but not all at once. Re-reading and re-explaining is an essential ingredient of receiving what He put there for us.
This book will train you to see principalities as God does. Learn how they claim people in groups. Discern and disarm the ungodliness woven into your group identity. Refresh your Bible eyes for the unseen enemies it reveals.