Publisher's Synopsis
ÊNirvana FAQÊ traces the band from its genesis to its end. Founded by friends Kurt Cobain and Krist Novoselic Nirvana had a rocky start and a succession of drummers but by the end of 1990 its debut album ÊBleachÊ had garnered international attention and the group's sixth drummer Dave Grohl had joined the fold.ÞFollowing its mentors Sonic Youth to Geffen Records Nirvana had hoped for modest success. Instead came unexpected wealth and fame on the strength of 1991's ÊNevermindÊ and its iconic breakthrough single Smells Like Teen Spirit. ÞSuccess didn't sit well with Cobain who began to numb the stresses of rock stardom with heroin. Despite 1993's hit album ÊIn UteroÊ Cobain's unhappiness became increasingly apparent. His suicide in April 1994 shocked the music world and put an end to a band at the height of its popularity.ÞÊNirvana FAQÊ answers such questions as What guitar teacher did Cobain and Novoselic have in common? Where did Cobain record his first demo? What was the cause of his first arrest? How was second guitarist Jason Everman hired and fired? What was the name of Grohl's first band and where did he meet Cobain and Novoselic? Who is Teen Spirit about? How did Nirvana's war with Guns N' Roses begin? And more.