Publisher's Synopsis
I was all set to get the hell out of D.C. before the local vampires caught on to me-and let's just say if that happened, then this supe healer would be facing her expiration date-when this famous DJ blew into town...and into my heart. Look, I KNOW I should have run like the wind, but I couldn't abandon a sick shifter who needed my help, even if it meant losing my freedom or my life. Besides, Maximillian smelled familiar, like deep forest and pine needles baked in the sun; like that chilly snap of running water and the coolness of twilight. Those things have a scent that adds up to a dream.You can get lost in that kind of dream. It can fill your mind with ideas and notions you have no business thinking or feeling. Dreams like that make it easy to forget the danger you're in and the mission you're on.