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Nikolay Bessonov Painter

Nikolay Bessonov Painter

Paperback (26 Jun 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Nikolay Vladislavovich Bessonov was born in 1962 and died in 2013 in Moscow. He has a higher art education (MVHPU).

Bessonov painted wonderful, romantic paintings of Roma (Gypsies). Roma in art is a different story altogether, a subject we hope to take up later.

Another line of his paintings was for a book about Medieval witch persecution, with gruesome pictures of mostly beautiful women coming into trouble.

The authors came into contact with Bessonov in connection with an exhibition of "Roma Art and Culture" in 1997 in Denmark. Please accept this little booklet for what it is and with all its limitations. We have long wanted to do it for obvious reasons as Bessonov was very talented artist and a great friend of Roma. The booklet is produced from the images we got from him in curating the exhibition.

We have some more images in a box somewhere in storage, so this booklet may see a second edition.

Book information

ISBN: 9798227469304
Publisher: Missys Clan
Imprint: Missys Clan
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 74
Weight: 104g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 5mm