Publisher's Synopsis
Nick of Time: The Reckoning Road is about a journey; geographic, emotional, and spiritual. The author, a bereaved father mourning the loss of his son, explores the southwestern U.S. on a winter camping trip with his dear friend, Jim, who was his political science professor in college. They roam from Austin, Texas to the Alabama Hills of California for weeks. From Honky Tonks to hidden canyons, they travel free of plans, schedules, commitments, and expectations
The father is trying to recover from trauma. He is searching for mental peace and understanding of the workings of the world. These two friends roam, explore, observe, and discuss what they encounter along the way.
What did they learn roaming these vast, beautiful, and fragile lands? Who did they meet along the way? What was the grieving father proud that he had done and what did he regret? What would he do differently today in caring for his struggling son? How has he worked to recover? What is he planning to do to continue his recovery?
The goal of Nick of Time is to share his learnings in the hope that at least one person will know how to better support a struggling child by reading this book. If this happens the author will consider the writing and sharing this book a success
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