New York City

New York City

Hardback (19 Nov 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is a love letter to New York City. It's the city that 8 million people call home and countless others flock to each year as tourists, commuters, and sightseers. It's a city that defies neat packaging, a city that plays host to a stunning array of ethnic food, cultures, and people. It's a city on a schedule, with an energy and a pace that's constantly moving.  It's the city that's seen it all, been through the worst, and is ready for what's next.  I love New York. This book contains over 90 pages of full-color photographs that will give you a reason to love it too.

Book information

ISBN: 9781940416397
Publisher: Whitecap America
Imprint: Whitecap Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 807g
Height: 262mm
Width: 261mm
Spine width: 18mm