Publisher's Synopsis
Based on his life as a personal security consultant, dietitian, and personal trainer to some of rock's most infamous personalities, Victor Robinson's memoir "Never Say Never...You Could Be Next" takes readers on a journey from the heart of America across the globe filled with loud music, long nights, and unexpected friendships that culminates in a man learning what it means to be a man, and ultimately finding himself again. Focused on the years spent on the road with bands like Twisted Sister and The Rolling Stones, "Never Say Never...You Could Be Next" offers an insider's look at the world of rock & roll during the roller coaster that was the 1970's and 1980's music scene. From Australia to California to New York and back again, harrowing tales from the cutting edge of international music culture blend seamlessly with one man's journey into self-discovery and deliverance. Born in Chicago, Victor's teen years spent in the small Michigan town of Mendon gave no indication that a few short years after leaving the Marine corps he would be wholly enmeshed in the sexy, live-on-the-razor's-edge world of A-list life on the road, be it in a private jet on its way to a gig in Germany or a stretch limo filled with Hollywood elite. Whether partying with Jack Nicholson and John Belushi at The Roxy or helping Dee Snider tone up his biceps in between gigs, Victor's life is a testament to the idea that you should always be as prepared as possible, because you never know what the universe will have in store for you next. Told in the gripping narrative only a memoir can provide, readers from all walks of life will find the exciting, yet relatable journey of a man who survived not only the Marine Corps and Keith Richards, but also a life threatening illness that brought him into a new life as a kidney transplant recipient. Laughter and tears, sorrow and joy, anger and redemption: a myriad of emotions play across the page as Victor's saga unfolds. Sometimes raw, but always heartfelt and honest, "Never Say Never...You Could Be Next" is a non-fiction page turner not to be missed.