Publisher's Synopsis
Make More Money With Your Business! This book is your guide to inject new life into your business and have it operating at its true potential. In this book, you'll learn... - The real reason people buy (and more importantly, why they pay big money...) - A 2000-year-old formula you can use to double your income (without working any harder!) - Essential, must-have business tactics (learned from studying the migration habits of Canadian snow geese) which will allow you to dominate any market. - "Cash Cows" - When to kill them (and when to milk them for all they're worth!) - Why the Japanese build small imperfections into everything they produce (and why you should too!) - The one element which causes almost all businesses to fail. Are you prepared for it? - "Gas station" secrets which any business can use to charge more money and increase customer loyalty. - A guaranteed strategy to attract better employees...and keep them! - How to work 50% less...and still get everything done! Get this book and start increasing your income today!