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Neurobiology of Language

Neurobiology of Language

Hardback (05 Sep 2015)

  • $213.18
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Publisher's Synopsis

Neurobiology of Language explores the study of language, a field that has seen tremendous progress in the last two decades. Key to this progress is the accelerating trend toward integration of neurobiological approaches with the more established understanding of language within cognitive psychology, computer science, and linguistics.

This volume serves as the definitive reference on the neurobiology of language, bringing these various advances together into a single volume of 100 concise entries. The organization includes sections on the field's major subfields, with each section covering both empirical data and theoretical perspectives. "Foundational" neurobiological coverage is also provided, including neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, genetics, linguistic, and psycholinguistic data, and models.

Book information

ISBN: 9780124077942
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Imprint: Academic Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 612.82336
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 1188
Weight: 3344g
Height: 286mm
Width: 224mm
Spine width: 61mm