Naval Operations Analysis

Naval Operations Analysis Third Edition

Paperback (30 Jan 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This third edition covers the basic analytical developments in naval search and detection theory over the last fifty years. Accessible to anyone with a mathematical background, it covers analytical decision-making, simulation techniques, and models used in determining the probability of detection. This third edition is a comprehensive update that collects in one place the basic analytical developments in naval search theory over the last fifty years, while retaining the material on the models of search theory developed in the campaigns against the submarine threat in World War II. With recent improvements in stealth technology, the need to become more knowledgeable about search theory is increasing.

Book information

ISBN: 9781591149507
Publisher: Naval Institute Press
Imprint: Naval Institute Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 424
Weight: 808g
Height: 193mm
Width: 235mm
Spine width: 26mm