Publisher's Synopsis
I have read many books, mostly about philosophy thinking, and around one-hundred, also secular. I have completed writing, over eighty-six literary books. In this entirety of a book's premise, comes the smarts, of one person. I am not, guilty. I came of the streets, and in the businesses, and in the politics, of Highland Park. I, was a very rich kid once. We, are all who threw, water balloons, at cars. We, have had time, in the childhood days, of immortality. Nowadays, I have an office at, an Inner City ministry in West Dallas, in whose working lifetimes, have ever chosen the hood living, to become one of God's citizens, that l, can have remembered, to those from all who, seek first Ye, the kingdom of God, and its righteousness. In this life, all of these things will be added unto you, into the tough times of man's victory over Satan. I have overcome many of life's troubles, and for victories, we have following readers, that are those who, like reading our books. In my life's perspective, and in times, that are of powerfulness, we have liked the life of mine. Some people, just do not win, in the endings, and some win forever, over evil. I, think it is up to, God, and all their attitudes, to win over evil. In the novel this is describing me, I have written, what I have used in many practiced ideologies, that have entered into my own mind from God, and have come alive, into my very own life. God's life, has entered into the Kingdom of Heaven. We each, all have to in writing, learn to change. I have changed, in hopefully unto something that I have liked: "that I have liked with it all". This is a small-minded guy, in a big city. I, have scaled literature's mountains, and hills, and, from one point of view, and, I am very scared, and for another anyone's point of view, I, am very blessed. This is, that I have written, the philosophy book, of all time, and religion. This book, is not about challenging churches, and, is not about the "status quo", of religion, and how many faiths do you practice, everyday. It is from the very heart, in the livings, of the lifetimes, of literatures. This is about, the real me, the life from God, and, the life that I have, that is fine with me. I am not a bragger, and not an atheist, but in this book's exploration, comes many of things from justice, into the equality of man. This is that God is alive. This is that "Riley Parker Miller, has the life". And, this is of the "new world order", that I have looked up, on the Internet, that I have written about, and have seen associated with Presidents, Congressmen, and, the "governmental like". This is about my life, and how, it has meant a lot to me, to be able to write, a book that is so great. It, is from the intelligence challenge, the soulful victory, and, the challenge of mankind's thinking that comes from God. This is about the passions, and the immediacies, that are growth, and that are known, in intricacies, of the modern day thought, and how, in ways I have come to know it, so well. Welcome to my world where I have envisioned, and encapsulated, and in what I have intelligently explained, "all of my life", for you, the reader to all know, and to explain; from one's point to another one's point. This came from in the reality of mine, to another one's world. This one world, to another world, is from the makeup of the writings of religion. This is from the philosophy of life, and the existentialism of modern man, of the Christian church, and, its philosophies, in the "liking of life". This came from the views from the real, "me".