

Paperback (09 Apr 2012) | Russian

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Publisher's Synopsis

Irina, a rich girl, and her friends smart and inventive Sasha and shy Masha are going for a vacation to an elite resort in suburban Moscow. Suddenly they get into magic underworld, where the magic is controlled by Nano-robots. Children meet strange outlawed wizards, who teach Irina to use magic. However, there are enemies named Fubas who attack the adventurers and try to kidnap them in order to control the transition points. Fights with monsters, wild dwarfs, mad jerboas. Travel through the underworld, deserts. Getting into the Kingdom of Crystal Lake. Ritual dances. Fight with battle moth. First attempt to return is unsuccessful. Court trial. Will ever Irina and friends get back home? Ира, девочка из богатой семьи, и ее друзья - отличник Саша и скромная подруга Маша отправляются на отдых. Из-за сумасбродства Иры друзья попадают в загадочный мир, где господствует магия, основанная на нано-роботах. Маги-отщепенцы обучают детей. Им противостоят коварные фубасы. Сумеют ли дети выбраться обратно в наш мир?

Book information

ISBN: 9781105656156
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 564
Weight: 408g
Height: 178mm
Width: 108mm
Spine width: 29mm