Publisher's Synopsis
Do you feel like you're being manipulated by someone and you don't know how to respond?
Do you feel like some people may have taken advantage of you without you even realizing it while it was happening?
If your answer is yes, you are about to learn why!
This bundle includes "Dark Psychology and Manipulation Techniques" and "NLP and Body Language". It's designed to give you all the tools you need to avoid deception and emotional manipulation. And take your intuition and social skills to the next level.
It will show you how to spot manipulators and identify the techniques they use to persuade you to do what they want.
These techniques are subtle, sneaky, but extremely effective. And they define social dynamics, roles and hierarchies.
Are you ready to start learning?
This book covers:
Book 1: Dark Psychology and Manipulation Techniques
- How to Manipulate Yourself for Any Purpose You Want: start mastering your own state depending on the situation you are in
- NLP Analysis: postures, gestures, face muscles, body language: learn to read others before they even speak, detect lies and uncover deception
- How To Turn Around Difficult Conversations: secret tips and tricks to respond to any situations and get people to like you, even when they are hostile at first
- How to Speed Read People to Read Their Energy: read the people you are talking to like a book to spot what really drives them
Book 2: NLP and Body Language
- NLP Principles: the secrets of successful people explained through NLP and how you can use them to improve your life
- NLP Secrets: learn how to read others emotions and understand if they are authentic or incongruent
- Body Language: learn what you actually communicate trough your body language and what to change to be more attractive, magnetic and charismatic
- How to Understand Social Dynamics: learn how to read the room and groups in different environments and massively improve your observation skills
...And Much More!
Improve the quality of your life by improving the quality of your relationships with your family, your friends, your partner, at work.
End toxic relationships today and learn to how to surround yourself with healthy people.
The path to get what you want is not going to be easy. It's going to be challenging.
But you can make it exciting if you know how to fight manipulation.
Do you want to know more?
Read NLP & Body Language today!