Publisher's Synopsis
Hi there...Hmmm, no, that doesn't work. Hey...Not quite. Howdy...Good lord, what am I? A cowboy? 'Sup? Yeesh. Whatever. Let me just get right into it. I'm Waverly. There, that wasn't so hard. I'm not going to blabber on about how strong and fierce I am, or proceed to tell you how broken or damaged I've become. No, I'm just going to tell you that I'm me. Just me. Waverly. I am all of those things, but I'm also so much more. I'm helping a club--a club that needs me to bring peace back into its world. If you had asked me if I'd be working for a biker club six months ago, I would have simply laughed in your face. I mean, a biker club? Come on. Yet here I am, doing the unthinkable. Penetrating the deepest, darkest parts of that world, pretending to be something I'm not. I've got this, though. That is one thing about me you should know--I won't let them down. I won't crack under the pressure. I won't break, no matter how much horror I see. There are lives at stake; there are people who need me. Not a single thing will distract me from the mission I'm on. At least, that was what I first thought. Until I didn't. Now I'm tangled up in a world I can't even begin to understand. Now I'm dealing with feelings that are foreign to me. Feelings for a monster. Feelings for an angel. This is a literal battle between good and evil, and I'm living it. Who are these men, you ask? You're just going to have to start from the beginning.