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My Shanghai Neighbours

My Shanghai Neighbours

Short stories

Paperback (19 Dec 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Marcus Fedder has brought Shanghai to life in a series of interlinked, revealing, and entertaining stories. A central observer is Jing Zhang, the neighbourhood cat, who has a love of philosophy, classical music, and an understanding of the frailties of his human friends. The cat and other narrators memorably relate the daily lives of neighbours in Shanghai's most beautiful quarters. Yet, underneath the elegant surface lurk troubles of the past, lost love, the Cultural Revolution, betrayal, and Covid-19. An enchanting book for all those who wonder what life in present-day Shanghai must be like.  

Book information

ISBN: 9781913606282
Publisher: Black Spring Press
Imprint: Black Spring Press
Pub date:
Edition: Short stories
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 100
Weight: 162g
Height: 197mm
Width: 131mm
Spine width: 14mm