Publisher's Synopsis
When you are in a car, beautiful places are a moment;
if you stop the car, they are a cluster of moments.
When you walk, beautiful places are an eternity carved into the soul.
In an age when self-development is a commodity, Australian journalist Stephanie Dale does her internal journeying her own way - on pilgrimage across Italy, the Balkans and the Middle East.
In 2007, Stephanie flew to Rome to join her son on his epic pilgrimage from Canterbury to Jerusalem. Newly married at the age of 48 (what was she thinking!) Stephanie abandoned the marriage for adventure.
My Pilgrim's Heart is an extraordinarily honest narrative that explores the timeless issues of sex, money and power inside a marriage.
The book is a compelling voyage into the unnamed fears that shape our world, and an uncommonly bold exploration of the relationships between women and men: husband and wife, mother and adult son, a woman and the masculine world, a Westernised woman and the men of myriad cultures she meets along the road, West to East.