Publisher's Synopsis
My name is Ana C. PErez Latorre-Davila and I was born in Santurce Puerto Rico. My Parents were Ana M. Latorre and JosuE PErez Vergara. I was raised in Guayama Puerto Rico, that is referred to as the "The Town of Sorcerers," with my Grandmother during my first years. In tenth grade I got to know who is currently my husband the Pastor Ramon Davila I graduated in my high school senior year in 1985 and at eighteen years of age we got married. We arrived to Florida in 1987. We have 30 years of marriage (and counting) and we had the blessing of having 3 safe and healthy children Lilliana M. Davila, Samuel A. Davila, and Alexandra E. Davila.
It has been 18 years since the Lord gave my husband the call to pastor and after a long journey the Lord called me to pastor. I studied in the "Instituto Latinoamericano Del Concilio Pentecostal" Bible Institute in Orlando Florida and thanks be to God we have a church that is named "Iglesia Nueva Vida De Orlando" where we are currently pastoring. In my secular life, I started to work when I arrived in Florida at supermarkets, Day Cares, and at a "Burger King" fast food restaurant, and I helped in public schools in the program "Un Poquito de EspaNol." 12 years ago I worked in Cheney Elementary School, the first 2 years as a teacher's assistant and in the following 10 years the Lord gave me the opportunity to work in the office as a bilingual receptionist. It pleased the Lord to remove me from my secular job in 2012 to work completely for him. I gave thanks to God for my job because it was a form of evangelizing lives. Three years ago I wrote a book that the Lord sent me to write that is called "My Journey" for the Lord transformed my life through an accident that crushed my ankle into pieces of rice. In 2012 I founded the "Instituto BIblico Nueva VisiOn" Bible Institute where leaders, pastors and people with ministries in their church or interested people would be able to obtain a more broad knowledge of the Word. I desire that the Lord may continue to greatly bless you as he has done with my life and that you continue working in the Lord's service.