Publisher's Synopsis
This book is a product of reflection, courage, and a deep sense of responsibility. It is a personal account of an ordeal that tested my faith, resilience, and humanity, but it is also a story that transcends individual experience. It speaks to a broader reality- one that many endure in silence and despair, often without the opportunity to share their truth. My journey into the depths of the Nigerian justice system began unexpectedly, as it often does for many. What should have been a routine moment of advocacy for another-a plea for fairness for an elderly woman-unfolded into a nightmare that exposed me to the stark realities of sys temic injustice. It was a period of humiliation, pain, and profound disillusionment, but also one of growth, resolve, and renewed purpose. Through these pages, I have sought to document not only my own experience but also to illuminate the failures and fractures within our systems of governance and law enforcement. Writing this book was not easy. Reliving moments of vulner ability, injustice, and frustration required emotional resilience and a willingness to confront painful truths. Yet, I chose to per severe-not for myself, but for the countless others who share similar stories but may never have the platform to tell them. I hope this work will serve as both a cautionary tale and a call to action, reminding us of the immense responsibility we have to uphold justice and protect the dignity of every human being. To those who read this book, I invite you to reflect deeply on its mes sages. Let it challenge your perceptions, provoke your thoughts, and, most importantly, inspire change in whatever capacity you can influence. This is not a book of anger or recrimination. It is a book of hope-a hope that we can do better as individuals, as institutions, and as a society. It is my prayer that the lessons within these pages resonate, encouraging us all to work toward a world where justice is not a privilege, but a fundamental right for all.