My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles

My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles

Paperback (08 Jun 2017)

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Paperback (28 Mar 2003) $8.25

Publisher's Synopsis

Over a period of 25 years as author of the Mathematical Games column for Scientific American, Martin Gardner devoted a column every six months or so to short math problems or puzzles. He was especially careful to present new and unfamiliar puzzles that had not been included in such classic collections as those by Sam Loyd and Henry Dudeney. Later, these puzzles were published in book collections, incorporating reader feedback on alternate solutions or interesting generalizations.
The present volume contains a rich selection of 70 of the best of these brain teasers, in some cases including references to new developments related to the puzzle. Now enthusiasts can challenge their solving skills and rattle their egos with such stimulating mind-benders as The Returning Explorer, The Mutilated Chessboard, Scrambled Box Tops, The Fork in the Road, Bronx vs. Brooklyn, Touching Cigarettes, and 64 other problems involving logic and basic math. Solutions are included.

Book information

ISBN: 9781684113729
Publisher: Stanford Inversiones Spa
Imprint: Stanford Inversiones Spa
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 138g
Height: 142mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 13mm