Music as biology

Music as biology the tones we like and why

eBook (01 Feb 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Why do human beings find some tone combinations consonant and others dissonant? Why do we make music using only a small number of scales out the billions that are possible? Dale Purves shows that rethinking music theory in biological terms offers a new approach to centuries-long debates about the organization and impact of music.

About the Publisher

Harvard University Press

Founded in 1913, Harvard University Press is the publisher of such classic works as John Rawls's A Theory of Justice, E. O. Wilson's On Human Nature, and Helen Vendler's Dickinson. The Press continues to be a leading publisher of convergent works in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, while also taking bold steps in exciting new directions, from innovative partnerships, to a diverse translation program, to an expanded commitment to facilitating scholarly conversation around the globe.

Book information

ISBN: 9780674972964
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Imprint: Harvard University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 781.1
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 1 online resource (x, 165 )
Weight: -1g