Publisher's Synopsis
In the tradition of Herman Wouk's "The Caine Mutiny" author Robert Knauer creates an unusual cast of characters working on a fictitious Navy Cargo Ship full of comical situations that led to the murder of the Skipper. The crew is mistreated and abused by their CO, much like Captain Queeg mistreated his crew on the "Caine." Instead of just a court-martial, there is an actual murder by one of the crewmembers on the USS SAN CLEMENTE. No one suspects the real killer. With the author being a former Naval Supply Corps officer, he gives you a modern day version of what Herman Wouk would have done had he lived today. He provides a highly suspenseful book that is not only comical, but a thriller and a murder mystery all wrapped up in one suspenseful book. In the Navy, what is good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. The brash, maverick, Lieutenant Bob Cantley, has built a great career for himself and his wife in the Navy by the time he reports to the USS SAN CLEMENTE. Bob is respected by many, but suffers no fools. He has the patience of a surgeon, doing his Navy job well, but loves a good laugh as much as anyone. Not putting up with bull-shit, he ruffles a few feathers from old-time naval officers that don't like him. Although the story seems to turn against "Bob" and his friends as a court-martial ensues, in the end the truth prevails and life goes on for everyone except the murdered skipper. If you want a highly unusual murder mystery, you want this book. Initial responses about the books content by a rear admiral retired has said the book has a great ending, and the Chairman Chairman of Board for the Centre for Study of Intelligence Operations says this book, "Is just awesome!" You decide. Others say it is very interesting and fun read.