Publisher's Synopsis
The creatures in these tales are faced with challenges. They will have to rely on their resilience, inventiveness and the ability to relate to others to tackle what comes their way. Rebecca, the matron heading the Glassworks mice, is frantically searching for a misplaced will. She will need her daughter's help to outwit crafty Micio, the alley cat, and retrieve the precious document before it is too late. Gloomy Daisy, an unconsolable dairy cow who has been deprived of her calves, ventures away from the pasture where her companions are peacefully grazing to enter the realm of the great auroch, thereby finding happiness. And what about Taco and Pico, the lab mice? Being made to run through mazes all day is no fun. The pair make a daring escape, but are in for a few surprises, among which learning that not all mice are white. Or Leonardo, a young fox who finds out at his expense that he would have done well to heed his mother's warning. Going into the woods on one of the 'Terrible Nights' has dire consequences; it won't be easy for him to put things right. There are many more creatures within the pages of this book - among which a bombastic tardigrade - just waiting to share their stories with you.