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Munschworks 2: The Second Munsch Treasury

Munschworks 2: The Second Munsch Treasury

Hardback (17 Jun 1999)

  • $26.73
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Publisher's Synopsis

One volume cannot possibly contain all the Munsch favorites—it would be too heavy to lift! Now volume two has another five classic Munsch titles: • Pigs • Purple, Green and Yellow • Mortimer • Murmel, Murmel, Murmel • Something Good These stories in this large-format book include the original illustrations by Michael Martchenko and Hélène Desputeaux.

Book information

ISBN: 9781550375534
Publisher: Annick Press
Imprint: Annick Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 136
Weight: 804g
Height: 311mm
Width: 313mm
Spine width: 6mm