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Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills

Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills

Fourth edition

Hardback (30 Aug 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Keep up with the latest on the highly respected multisensory teaching approach to literacy with this new fourth edition, a complete update of the bestselling textbook adopted in colleges and universities across the country. The most comprehensive text available on multisensory teaching, this book prepares today's educators to use specific evidence-based approaches that improve struggling students' language skills and academic outcomes in elementary through high school.

Educators will get rich background information on the systems and structures of the English language, plus a deep dive into the what and how of Structured Literacy Instruction. They'll also find practical strategies and guidelines on all aspects of language and literacy instruction, including planning effective lessons, connecting research with practice, conducting and interpreting assessment, understanding the emotional side of learning disabilities, and more. An essential reference and professional development resource to keep and use for years to come, this book gets educators ready to be thoughtful, skilled, and compassionate teachers of reading and language arts.

Book information

ISBN: 9781681252261
Publisher: Brookes Publishing Co.
Imprint: Paul H. Brookes Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: Fourth edition
DEWEY: 371.9144
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: xlvii, 872
Weight: 1744g
Height: 261mm
Width: 186mm
Spine width: 48mm