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Multi-Cloud Automation With Ansible

Multi-Cloud Automation With Ansible Automate, Orchestrate, and Scale in a Multi-Cloud World

Paperback (31 Oct 2023)

  • $37.60
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Publisher's Synopsis

Across the modern IT landscape, managing infrastructure across diverse cloud platforms has become a formidable task. Ansible, a robust open-source automation tool, emerges as the ultimate weapon in your arsenal, unlocking efficiency and control over your multi-cloud environment, such as IBM, AWS, GCP, and Azure. Indulge in an in-depth venture through Ansible's fundamentals, architecture, and applications in multi-cloud environments with use cases. Gain a deep understanding of core concepts, such as playbooks, tasks, and roles, and learn to set up Ansible seamlessly across diverse operating systems and cloud providers. Master the creation of efficient playbooks to automate infrastructure provisioning, application deployment, and configuration management in multi-cloud scenarios.

Book information

ISBN: 9789355517746
Publisher: BPB Publications
Imprint: BPB Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 298
Weight: 488g
Height: 194mm
Width: 239mm
Spine width: 15mm