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Mud Ball - How I Dug Myself Out of the Daily Grind

Mud Ball - How I Dug Myself Out of the Daily Grind

Paperback (09 Jul 2015)

  • $16.63
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Publisher's Synopsis

I couldn't teach another lesson. Nor could I tolerate another day with a boss, a punch card, and the indigestion I suffered from bolting my muesli. This was why I'd spent the past five months camping in a remote Turkish field. Then the first winter storm crashed through the valley, turning my tent into a canvas pole dancer. It dawned on me I might need a house. There were only two problems: I had just $6000 left in my account, and 6 weeks before winter.

"Despite having very little money, almost no building experience, and endless naysayers who told her she would fail, Atulya K. Bingham completed her lovely earthbag home. Her personal, inspirational story shows how anyone can build their own sustainable home with earthbags." Dr. Owen Geiger, Director of the Geiger Research Institute of Sustainable Building, author of the Natural Building Blog and Earthbag Building website.

"A joy from beginning to end - a brave, funny, moving account of building a new life and a new home out of mud in Turkey's mountain wilderness." Sara Crowe, author of Bone Jack (Nominated for the Carnegie Medal in 2015).

Book information

ISBN: 9781849147521
Publisher: Atulya K Bingham
Imprint: Atulya K Bingham
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 274
Weight: 362g
Height: 140mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 20mm