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Muchas Maneras De Comer (Many Ways to Eat)

Muchas Maneras De Comer (Many Ways to Eat) - Celebramos Que Somos Tú Y Yo Con Sesame Street (R) (Sesame Street (R) Celebrating You And Me)

Paperback (01 Aug 2025) | Spanish

  • $9.07

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Publisher's Synopsis

Hay gran cantidad de alimentos deliciosos y muchas maneras de prepararlos. Únete a tus personajes favoritos de Sesame Street para aprender sobre los alimentos y los platos de muchas culturas.

There are lots of delicious foods and many ways to prepare them. Join favorite Sesame Street characters in learning about the foods and dishes from many cultures. Now in Spanish!

Book information

ISBN: 9798765683408
Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint: Ediciones Lerner
Pub date:
DEWEY: 394.12
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 24
Weight: -1g