Métro. 2 Rouge

Métro. 2 Rouge - Metro for 11-14

Euro Edition

Paperback (28 Jun 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Métro pupil books offer a lively, communicative approach, underpinned by a clear grammatical foundation. The books develop pupils' use and understanding of French by providing straightforward explanations of the way the language works, alongside motivating, stepped activities.There are two versions of Métro for Years 8 and 9 - one for the upper end of the ability range (Rouge) and one for the lower end (Vert). These are parallel in content, so that pupils can move between sets, but at different levels of difficulty.

Book information

ISBN: 9780435383404
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Heinemann
Pub date:
Edition: Euro Edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 402g
Height: 265mm
Width: 196mm
Spine width: 8mm