Publisher's Synopsis
"Everything sucks..."
"I hate my life...I want to escape it all and I can't wait to retire..."
"I feel like everything about me...what I's all a lie..."
"I always put myself last...I am in such bad shape and I look and feel so bad I am afraid of mirrors..."
If you are middle-aged and you have terrible posture, have a slab of flab hanging over your belt, you trudge around with your head hanging, looking at the ground while walking, are divorced and maybe can't see your kids, are bankrupt and defeated by life--or if you have plenty of money, cars, and success but still sense something is missing because of the constant vacant sadness that permeates every fiber of your being--you are not alone. More than 70% of middle-aged men and women never develop the self-awareness necessary to attain the bullshit unrealistic dream that they have been sold somewhere along their lifeline. They never pull the lever, make the big move, or do the things necessary to live the lives they want and deserve.
MTFU is a treatise that directs the reader on how to quit belching baloney and to bring home the bacon. How to quit living scared, to toughen up to a world that is harsh for everyone, live a truly purposeful life, and to quit simply going through the motions. Everyone has the innate ability to Man The Fuck Up and live a life of truth unfettered by the bullshit everyone dishes out and expects to be given back. You owe it to yourself to discover what is causing you to avoid living a "life less ordinary" that only the privileged few seem to enjoy.
MTFU: Rethink Who You Are and What You Can Achieve. NO BULLSHIT. NO EXCUSES. is your 17-chapter advisory to achieving exactly that despite how utterly deplorable your present situation may be. Dr. Michael Dusa, the founder of MTFU Longevity Over 50 Society and known for his uncommon resilience in expunging from his body a rare nerve disorder, twice, undergoing over 20 orthopedic surgeries and losing then rebuilding a million-dollar business, will not use kid gloves in showing you the cold hard truth about how to break out of being a victim or volunteer to everyday stressors.
With the doctor's hardcore advances into personal, business, and physical realms, you'll learn why you should never want to retire; how to avoid the crushing sadness that comes with loneliness; how to stop living the lie; why you should never try to be the best; why you should always put yourself first, even before your kids; how to be impervious to all the regular temptations that destroy the common man; and how to always, no matter the situation, be able to say, "I don't have to." By following these and seven other directives outlined in MTFU, you can change.
When feeling shitty becomes feeling fine.
When you look back and realize you've pissed your life away and feel like shit about it.
When you blame others for not being where you want to be.
When you know you've set a low, absolute shit level of expectations for you and those around you.
You've failed to rise up.
It has come--and it is against you, my friend.
It's time to man up.
To Man The Fuck Up.
You follow even some of the words laid down in this book, you'll be on your way. If you implement the action steps outlined in all 17 chapters in MTFU--finally--you'll become more than just a man.
WARNING: This book is not for the average Joe.
If you are comfortable with life and have it all figured out, then this book is not for you.
If you're ready for a change, then buy this book today.