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Mr. Pink

Mr. Pink

Paperback (06 Oct 2020)

  • $14.57
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Publisher's Synopsis

Half Swedish and half English, Mr. Pink is sexy, sophisticated, and hellbent on brutal revenge.

His devastating good looks, impeccable pedigree, and enviable self-esteem allow Mr. Pink to play by his own rules. While jet-setting between Stockholm and London, this sociopathic magazine publisher is planning revenge on a narcotics kingpin. As he springs the perfect trap to redeem his painful past, Mr. Pink takes readers on a lusty, action-packed adventure.

For Mr. Pink, sex is a way to manipulate others and gets what he wants. He uses every trick in the book-and invents some new ones-to play his lovers like a finely crafted instrument. That is until Andreas. When an emotionally wounded Swedish journalist crosses his path, they enter into a volatile, passionate relationship. As the two men lay bare their vulnerabilities, Mr. Pink must confront his reflection and wonder if he likes what he sees.

Book information

ISBN: 9781735268903
Publisher: Books Fluent
Imprint: Books Fluent
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 282
Weight: 327g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 15mm