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Motherhood Is a B#tch

Motherhood Is a B#tch 10 Steps to Regaining Your Sanity, Sexiness, and Inner Diva

Hardback (18 Apr 2017)

  • $19.54
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Publisher's Synopsis

You've had a kid or two . . . or three. Now, every time you look in the mirror you ask yourself, “Who the hell is that tired, washed out woman looking back at me?" What happened to the stylish, stiletto-wearing woman who prided herself on living the fabulous life? It's time to reclaim your pre-baby body, mind, and mojo. No more sulking, stressing, or resenting other moms who have it more together than you and wondering how they do it. Motherhood is a B#tch! tells you how YOU can do it.

This guide tells it like it is and explains how women lose their sense of self once they have children and why it's so important to reclaim it. Motherhood is a B#tch! tackles the toughest issues facing moms today and empowers you to regain your once fierce and fab self. In the end, you'll be happier, healthier, and hotter than ever.

Motherhood is a B#tch! is the modern mom's bible for dealing with the day-to-day chaos with style and grace. It's written for the stressed out working mom and the harried stay-at-home mom, who have sacrificed their lives, careers, bodies, and sanity to become moms. And, honey, it's time to take it all back!

Book information

ISBN: 9781510718975
Publisher: Skyhorse
Imprint: Skyhorse Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 306.8743
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 152
Weight: 336g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 20mm