Publisher's Synopsis
The triumphant sequel to Home Cooking by "a home cook, like you and me, whose charm and lack of pretension make her wonderfully human and a welcome companion as she chatters on about the small culinary accomplishments and discoveries that occur in her kitchen" (Chicago Tribune).
Following the success of Home Cooking, Laurie Colwin returned to the kitchen to cook up this delightful mix of culinary recipes, advice, and personal anecdotes. With down-to-earth charm and wit, she discussed the many pleasures and problems of cooking at home, including such topics as "Desserts that Quiver," "The Duck Dilemma," "Real Food for Tots," "Turkey Angst," and "Catering on One Dollar a Head."
As informative as it is entertaining, More Home Cooking is a rare treat for Colwin's many fans and for anyone who loves to spend time in the kitchen.