Publisher's Synopsis
Comments on author Don McGaffigan during his seven year odyssey (4 years priesthood quest, 3 years book writing): "What are they afraid of?" - Dick Connell, Exeter, NH "Don, this is the priesthood!" (While reading the letters of thanks Don McGaffigan received during his quest) - Father Craig Pregana, Voc. Dir. Diocese of Fall River, MA "This is not the point." (While reading the same letters) - Archbishop Charles Chaput, Diocese of Denver, CO "You have a high moral profile. You want everyone to live up to your standards." - Dr. John Walsh, Psychiatrist, Diocese of Manchester, NH "You did not fail in your quest Don, you discovered." - Paul Kelley, U.S. Marine Corps League, Cape & Islands Detachment 955, Orleans, MA "On behalf of the residents and Activities Department at Exeter Healthcare, I want to thank you for bringing your smiling face... Every day you come, you bring happiness and joy to so many..." - Kerry Robertson, Assist. Activities Director, Exeter Healthcare, Exeter, NH "We also think that it is very kind of you to dedicate all these great events to Cindy, who we believe must have been such a great person as you are also. Thank you for the wonderful times." - Sarah, Laura, Meg and Jill. Exeter, NH "Don, you are a fine man and have so much to offer the church and your community. Continue to contribute in every way that you can." - Matthew Smith, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital