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Monographs on Greenland / Meddelelser om Grønland: Volume 67: Buried Norsemen at Herjolfsnes. An Archæological and Historical Study. Interpretation of the Runic Inscriptions from Herjolfsnes. Anthropologia Medico-Historica Groenlandiæ Antiquæ

Monographs on Greenland / Meddelelser om Grønland: Volume 67: Buried Norsemen at Herjolfsnes. An Archæological and Historical Study. Interpretation of the Runic Inscriptions from Herjolfsnes. Anthropologia Medico-Historica Groenlandiæ Antiquæ

Paperback (01 Oct 2009)

  • $128.52
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Book information

ISBN: 9788763531450
Publisher: Museum Tusculanum Press
Imprint: Museum Tusculanum Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 508
Language: English
Number of pages: 754
Weight: 1666g
Height: 280mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 37mm