Publisher's Synopsis
Monk Parakeets Pets
The Monk Parakeet or Quaker Parrot, is a small sized Parrot bird. This particular bird is known to be extremely playful and talkative. It is also very naughty and mischievous. You will be surprised as to how intelligent this bird species can be. It is well known that a bird as intelligent and playful as the Monk Parrot can be a very happy addition to your family. Monk Parakeets are known to be playful, energetic and adorable. They are very small in size and can make for the most ideal of pets. They are great for people who are looking for loyal and lovable pets. They are easy to maintain and care for. When you are able to study the Monk Parakeet in a better way, you will automatically become a better parent. You will able to train the pet better and you will also be able to form a better and everlasting bond with the pet. The main aim of this book is to provide you with all the information that you need to domesticate a Monk Parakeet. This book will help you to clear up all the questions that you might be having regarding Monk Parakeets and their domestication. You have to take on the responsibility of taking care of the health and well-being of the pet. You don't want to get a bird home and later regret your decision. By following the tips and tricks discussed in this book, you will be able to give the pet a loving and caring home. Covered in this book: - Buying- Care- Costs- Diet- Grooming- Habitat requirements- Health- History- Housing- Pros & cons- Showing- Tips and tricks- Training....and much more