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Monastic Daoism Transformed

Monastic Daoism Transformed The Revival of the Leigutai Lineage


Paperback (31 Jan 2025)

  • $39.16
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Publisher's Synopsis

"This book details the process of the transformation of monastic Daoism of the Quanzhen (Complete Perfection) order after the Cultural Revolution. When religious activities were again permitted in 1979, Daoism had only twenty-one monasteries. By 2014, there were 30,000 Daoist temples and 100,000 clerics. This expansion occurred in an overall supportive political context, involving the government, the Chinese Daoist Association, and many local priests who reoriented their practice from personal cultivation to temple building and the spread of longevity techniques while also opening their teachings to foreigners. The climate changed again in 2018, with the policy of "sinification" which now requires all religions to represent Xi Jinping thought and severely limits their activities. The book uses the Thunder Drum (Leigutai) lineage in Ziyang county, Shaanxi as a model to analyse the modifications at the organizational and doctrinal level t

Book information

ISBN: 9781931483780
Publisher: Three Pines Press
Imprint: Three Pines Press
Pub date:
Edition: First
DEWEY: 299.514657095143
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20240928
Language: English
Weight: -1g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm