Modern Labor Economics

Modern Labor Economics Theory and Public Policy - Addison-Wesley Series in Economics

9th Edition

Paperback (26 May 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This text is the product of the authors' three decades experience in teaching labor market economics and conducting research aimed at influencing public policy.

The authors develop the modern theory of labor market behavior, summarize empirical evidence supporting or contradicting each hypothesis, and illustrate the usefulness of various theories for public policy analysis. Theory is presented within context - nontraditional, business, historical, and cross-cultural -through numerous detailed policy examples in each chapter. This thoroughly revised Ninth Edition includes updated material throughout, plus new chapters on frictions in the labor market, and a new boxed feature focused on empirical techniques.


Book information

ISBN: 9780321311535
Publisher: Bookpoint Ltd
Imprint: Pearson
Pub date:
Edition: 9th Edition
DEWEY: 331
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 604
Weight: 923g
Height: 231mm
Width: 188mm
Spine width: 22mm