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Milk - Current Theatre Series

Paperback (03 Jun 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

On the precipice of something life changing, a young Palawa man plunges into an exploration of self and Country. Carried with the winds of a metaphysical Flinders Islandthe place where it all happenedhe is drawn back to the dawn of colonisation; to a woman who bore the brunt of the oppressors violence and then forward to her granddaughter, who buried the truth as a means of survival. Stirring up stories together, with parts both achingly sad and unexpectedly funny, what unfolds reveals by slow degrees painful but important truths. Do we own the stories of our ancestors? And does the passage of time undermine a connection to Country?

Book information

ISBN: 9781760627348
Publisher: Currency Press Pty.Ltd
Imprint: Currency Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 822.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 47
Weight: 104g
Height: 138mm
Width: 209mm
Spine width: 6mm