Publisher's Synopsis
Differentiated book- It has a historical context with research of the time-The purpose of realizing this historical context is to approach the understanding of a historical epoch from the elements provided by the text. Hence the importance of placing the document in context. It is necessary to unravel what its author or authors have said, how it has been said, when, why and where, always relating it to its historical moment.If there is an essential novel in Victorian English literature, I think that would be "Middlemarch" by George Elliot, which was first published in December 1871 in monthly installments and probably constitutes the top work of this author.In "Middlemarch" - notice - practically nothing happens, and at the same time things do not stop happening: practically as in real life. If we wanted to summarize his argument, we could say that he tells the story of three very different couples, and that these three stories are interwoven with the chronicle of Middlemarch himself, a city of imaginary provinces. But at the same time, social changes, the process of modernization of Victorian England, the different ideological, moral and scientific perspectives of the time, become the central axis of the narrative, which takes place in a particularly interesting period (September 1829, May 1832, just before the first Reform Bill). Thus, the main characters reflect idealism and the desire for change: