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Metal Detecting Log Book

Metal Detecting Log Book Keep Track of Your Metal Detecting Statistics & Improve Your Skills Gift for Metal Detectorist and Coin Whisperer

Paperback (11 Jun 2019)

  • $10.15
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Paperback (11 Jun 2019) $10.15

Publisher's Synopsis

This metal detecting log book has been created to help you to record everything you need during your metal hunting sessions in order to identify winning strategies and improve your skills.

This journal includes:

  • pre-formatted pages to record details such as date, location, machine used, item found and their value, etc.
  • lined pages to add notes in order to analyse yourself and improve your metal detectorist skills

This log book also makes a unique and personalized gift for a coin whisperer relative or any loved one who like to hunt treasures and save small pieces of history.

Book information

ISBN: 9781073374748
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 92
Weight: 145g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 6mm