Merton of the Movies by Harry Leon Wilson, Science Fiction, Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Humorous

Merton of the Movies by Harry Leon Wilson, Science Fiction, Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Humorous

Paperback (01 Jan 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Merton Gill is no ordinary man -- being hardly Merton Gill at all, but rather the romantic and popular idol of the silver screen -- Clifford Armytage! -- starring in his great role as the prairie-ranging, villain-busting hero Buck Benson.

Or, rather, whoever he is -- Merton, Clifford, or Buck -- he is an ordinary man, walking down through the heart of tiny Simsbury, past the drugstore and hostel, and then waiting in line at the post office for his mail, consisting of three magazines: Photo Land, Silver Screenings, and Camera.

He dreams, and unlike his fellow townsfolk he sees no reason to dream small . . . although there is one other like him, here: Tessie Kearns, the lone soul in Simsbury who understands him. However far away Hollywood might be, she, too, dreams of finding her way there, as a scenario writer.

Book information

ISBN: 9781606643181
Publisher: Alan Rodgers Books LLC
Imprint: Aegypan
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 252
Weight: 388g
Height: 151mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 20mm