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Memories & Musings

Memories & Musings An Anthology By Vintage Minnesotans

Paperback (20 Apr 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Life is full of choices, decisions, memories, photographs, and-most importantly-love. When life is moving at full title, there's not always time to reflect on those everyday occurrences. Retirement allows us the time and presence of mind to sit down and take stock. That's just what the writers in Memories & Musings did.

Written by "vintage" Minnesotans from The Guided Autobiography and poetry classes at Whitney Senior Center, their stories and poems are a collection of life's journey and the many paths taken. Inside, you'll find writing submissions that explore:

  • Paths into creative writing
  • Trails and tracks in nature
  • Pathways of family members
  • Passages through life's journey

This anthology will make you think, laugh, and cry at the peculiar human condition we all find ourselves living. So, pour a mug of tea or coffee-maybe settle in with a glass of wine-and savor the diverse flavors of each writer's journey.

Book information

ISBN: 9781647047184
Publisher: Bublish, Inc.
Imprint: Bublish, Inc.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 266
Weight: 358g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 14mm