Meditations of the Soul

Meditations of the Soul Devotional Reading for Serious Christians in Uncertain Times

Paperback (14 Sep 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

We live in a period of uncertainty: international terror, the possibility of increased warfare; financial worries throughout our nation. The loss of homes, jobs, and instability in our neighborhoods, all leaving us weak and unassured. Even as Christians, fears, depression, and the feeling of ineptitude can begin to take over our thinking. Questions that seem to have no answers and a general sense of loneliness, seem to haunt our daily lives. We begin to believe that yesterday may be far better than tomorrow and that there really is no need to look forward to a future. So we ask ourselves if there is a God, does He see what's happening, and does He really care what's happening to us. Meditations of the Soul is the compilation of forty devotional readings designed to answer those very questions. Readings such as: "How to Face Bad Times," "To Sing in a Strange Land," and "By His Every Word," speak to the loneliness that we, as Christians, may feel when facing uncertain times. This book is intended to bring the readers to a higher relationship with God.... from asking God how He can help asking, how we may better serve Him. May meditating with these devotional readings bring you the peace that only God's Word can give, and may it help to strengthen your faith.

Book information

ISBN: 9780615366494
Publisher: Cte Ministries
Imprint: Cte Ministries
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 188
Weight: 222g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 10mm